Trying Something New
Starts With YOU
Learn To Skydive
Reservations NOT open
Our availability is always being updated (based on our instructor's schedules), so keep checking back for new dates and times
Static Line
Learn to skydive on your own through our Static Line student training program.
Learn more about Static Line training.
Jump with an instructor under the same parachute with minimal training. Learn more about making your tandem skydive.
AFF Progression
We offer AFF (advanced free fall) as an option to students as their first jump.
Learn more about AFF training program.
About Our Club
Skydive Fargo is a club drop zone and a member of the United States Parachute Association (USPA). We offer tandem, student training and experienced jumping, operating since 1967.
Skydive Fargo is a non-profit club and everyone who jumps with us is required to become a club member. Annual dues are included in the price of a student's first jump and expire at the end of each calendar year. Along with the privilege to skydive, club membership provides other benefits including weekly social functions, club meetings, holiday parties, and voting for our board of directors.
Contact and Hours of Operation
As a volunteer run club, we are typically not as easily reached via phone. If you have any questions, please email us at Weather permitting, we are typically jumping on Mondays and Fridays during the week starting around 4 pm, and weekends beginning around 10 am. However jumping also typically occurs on other days and at earlier times.
For updates on our club, jumping days and weather, like us on Facebook.